Personal Defense World | Big Frickin’ .500
By: Robert Jordan Photos: Alex Landeen I like to think I’m continuing in the colorful lineage of gun writers who also served as law enforcement
By: Robert Jordan Photos: Alex Landeen I like to think I’m continuing in the colorful lineage of gun writers who also served as law enforcement
By: Frank Melloni It’s hard to believe, but six years have already passed since the most eccentric governor in New York’s history passed the draconian
By Michael R Shea – January 22, 2020 Designed in Pillager, Minnesota, in 1983, Desert Eagle pistols fast became a favorite of Hollywood in the
By Michael R Shea – August 26th, 2019 Most people, myself included, learned about the powerful Desert Eagle from the movies. Arnold toted a matte
by B. Gil Horman – Saturday, April 4, 2020 At the conclusion of the first set of range tests for the Magnum Research, Inc. custom ‘Thunder Snub’ BFR .45-70
By: Andy Grossman. Click here to view the full article.
By: Frank Melloni Click here to view the full article.
by Max Prasac Tuesday, February 11, 2020 The Scenario: You’ve booked the plains game hunt in South Africa. You are a handgun hunter, so you’ve
By Jeremiah McCarthy Click here to view the full article
January 30th, 2020 I believe that every family needs a cool cousin who lives life to the fullest. In our family, it’s Cousin Steve. He’s