Major Pandemic | Magnum Research Desert Eagle Mark XIX Titanium Gold .357 Magnum Pistol Review

Monday, September 29, 2014

Magnum Research Desert Eagle Mark XIX Titanium Gold .357 Magnum Pistol Review

Almost every review of the Magnum Research Desert Eagle will start with something like… The Desert Eagle is probably one of the most iconic semi-auto firearms in cinematic history which started and has maintained cult status since its introduction and probably sold more units to the film prop industry than to actual shooters… and then blather on and on for paragraphs. Yeah no kidding. What a stunningly obvious revelation which any twelve year old movie and TV watcher could make. My 14-year old could tell me what gun I had picked up from my FFL dealer just because I told him it was gold. Of course its an firearm icon, I mean look at the damn thing; its twice the size and three times the weight of almost any typical gun.

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