Magnum Research Sponsored Shooter Chris Barrett Continues to Break Records

(Pillager, MN) – Magnum Research, Inc, maker of the world-famous Desert Eagle pistol and leader in innovative firearms design and manufacturing, is proud to announce that MRI sponsored shooter Chris Barrett has broken the sub-60 record for a second time in a Steel Challenge match.

Chris Barrett has now broken the 35 year Steel Challenge record for both Open and Iron sight divisions, sub 60 seconds. His first sub-60 score was achieved in October, and the second occurred on November 30, 2019. Nineteen year old Barrett shot 59.84 with his Magnum Research Switchbolt ironsighted rifle at the Florida State Steel Challenge Championship in Okeechobee, Florida. This represents the lowest score ever shot in Steel Challenge with an iron sighted gun, and the first time anyone has broken the 60-second barrier with an iron sighted gun.

In addition to the lowest overall score in the match, Barrett also had the second lowest overall score and lowest score in the rimfire rifle open division with his Magnum Research Swtichbolt open (optic) rifle with a 60.62. In September, Barrett shot 59.82 at the Alabama State Steel Challenge Championships with his Magnum Research rifle in the open (optic) division.

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