Perhaps the most iconic profile in all of the handgun world. The Desert Eagle is now in version Mark XIX.
There are a lot of handguns that can be called “iconic”, but that word seldom applies more accurately than when used to refer to the Desert Eagle by Magnum Research. First patented in the mid-1980s by IMI (Israel Military Industries) based on an American design, the pistol skyrocketed to almost instant fame and recognition when Hollywood nearly jumped out of its shoes to feature it in one action movie after another. It quickly became the “must have” hand cannon if you wanted the word ‘badass’ associated with your movie. And while it may not be featured as frequently as it once was (after all, Hollywood is nothing if not fickle), its instantly recognized profile continues to awe and inspire the newest generation, who see it prominently displayed in video games.
Yes, the Desert Eagle is one that sits at the head table of handgun badassery. And yet, somehow yours truly has managed to tiptoe carefully through life without ever having fired one. Oh, it’s been consistently on the list – bucket or otherwise – I’ve just never made it happen. But when Magnum Research (now a part of the Kahr Firearms Group) announced a brand-new caliber developed exclusively for the Desert Eagle – to take full advantage of its strength and ability to handle insane pressures – I leaned in for a closer look.